Learn With Me

outgrowing Enmeshment

Learn how to recognize and outgrow family enmeshment through self-differentiation work. From a family systems perspective, we’ll work together to help you understand your intergenerational family patterns, set boundaries, build up your sense of self, and become your most authentic version!

Family systems Theory

Learn more about family systems theory and other theories that describe relationship systems. We’ll get really theoretical, but also practical! This is for those who want to use theory to help you in your self-differentiation journey, for those who helping professionals, and for those who are fellow psychology nerds!

Individuation through intimacy

Learn more about Jungian theory and the individuation process specifically within the context of intimate relationships. We’ll go into several aspects of psychospiritual development, including the shadow, the ego, the anima/animus, the collective and individual unconscious, feminine and masculine polarities, and the Soul path!